Deciding whether to seek sole custody of your children during a divorce in Alabama is a significant decision that can impact the entire family. It's essential to consider the benefits and challenges that come with sole custody, as well as the impact on all involved,...
Exclusively handling complex divorce and family law matters for individuals throughout Birmingham
Child Custody And Support
Considerations in a divorce involving children with disabilities
All divorces involving children have special considerations. When these children have disabilities, their unique needs may come into play. Factors such as custody arrangements, child support and education plans can shape the outcome of such cases. Custody arrangements...
Can child support agencies take payments from your retirement?
When it comes to ensuring the well-being of children, child support agencies are responsible for enforcing financial responsibilities. However, you might understandably have concerns regarding where child support agencies have the authority to garnish payments from...
Can a teen influence custody decisions in Alabama?
Some children fear being put in the middle when their parents divorce. They do not want to take sides and worry that any opinions they express about the divorce might harm their relationship with one of their parents. Other times, young adults, particularly teenagers,...
When do Alabama parents need to revisit a child support order?
Divorced or separated parents in Alabama will need to share responsibilities for their children. They will divide parenting time, and the adult who has the children less of the time will usually need to provide financial support. Child support ordered by the Alabama...
3 reasons parents can ask to modify their custody orders
Parents who divorce or who begin living separately often have to work out a way to share custody. Either they negotiate their own arrangements or they ask a family law judge to establish a custody order. Parents will often expand on the basic breakdown of parenting...
5 tips for less stressful co-parenting
Co-parenting is one possible model to follow when you aren’t in a relationship with your child’s other parent. In this model, both adults work closely with each other to ensure that their children have what they need. While co-parenting is often beneficial for...
Should you try co-parenting or parallel parenting?
After a divorce, it’s typically expected that parents will split their responsibilities for and obligations to their children. In the eyes of the court, this is in the best interest of the children. Parents will have to make many considerations when discussing the...
Is your ex-spouse bad-mouthing you to your children?
If you're going through a divorce, it's important to remember that your kids will be affected, too. Unfortunately, one common tactic of an ex-spouse during a divorce is to bad-mouth the other parent to the children. How should you deal with this situation and protect...
Do you need to go back to court for a modification?
Typically, when the Alabama family courts approve a custody order, they expect both parents to abide by it. You need to follow the schedule and adhere to the rough breakdown of parenting time outlined in your existing custody order. Otherwise, the other parent or the...