Get Guidance From A Skilled Birmingham Asset Division Lawyer
Alabama Courts strive to divide property equitably during a divorce. An equitable property division is one that is fair, and it is not based on an equal split, or who holds a title or deed.
Rather, each person has an interest in any marital property, and an equitable division is one that is fair and reasonable. This part of the divorce process can be very difficult and complex, especially if one or both spouses fail to cooperate, or if a party attempts to hide assets as a means of keeping them out of the settlement. That is why a skilled divorce lawyer is essential to ensuring a fair process.
Understanding Marital Property In Alabama
Marital property includes all property acquired by either or both parties during the marriage, regardless of the form in which title is held, and subject to the exceptions below. Generally, all but the following are considered joint marital property:
- Anything individually owned before the marriage
- Anything excluded by a valid prenuptial agreement
- Anything received by gift or inheritance
- Anything received in a personal injury settlement
About Attorney Richelle Gossman
At Gossman Law Firm, LLC, family law attorney Richelle Gossman has helped many individuals in similar circumstances find solutions to their marital property division.
She can work closely with you and help you assess your options during the property division process. Richelle can discuss some considerations courts often use before making a final decision about dividing property in your divorce, such as current and future earning potential, health and age, duration of the marriage, and contributions to the acquisition of marital property.
Where possible, Richelle will examine alternative divorce methods to divide your property. However, if that is not possible, she has the litigation experience needed to protect your interests in court.
Ask About Property Division Over A Free Consultation
Asset and property division can be a complex subject, often requiring financial experts and extensive investigations to ensure that the marital property is fairly valued and distributed. With Richelle, you can rest assured that she has the skills and experience you need. To schedule a free consultation with Richelle at her Birmingham office, call 205-498-7455. Payment plans available for complex cases.
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